Hi ya’ll, my mental health is further deteriorating. I’m struggling to attain regular access to hormone therapy again, I’m dealing with the nausea from trying strattera, struggling to eat with
More sadposting, essentially. Prison is stressful. You feel forgotten about, degraded to a lower grade of human. All that you do feel utterly contemptible to everyone free. In a way,
Hi everyone, completed another two college classes. Two more A’s. Starting another two classes soon. Writing a few epic poems to release, I am pushing myself to release them sooner
Hi, just kinda freehanding this. Been really feeling down this part month, though doing an OK-job maintaining the necessary facade; prison life. Having difficulty focusing, functioning, formulating, feeling… For the
Greetings, friends. My lawsuit re: trans healthcare has been accepted, as has my “Motion to appoint court counsel” or w/e. I’m awaiting an attorney, and my “Motion to waive Filing
Hi comrades! We now use Telmate for our tablets, meaning it costs too much for me to run this via email (0.04/minute). I am one of many upset at these
The deadline for the first grievance appeal is approaching, I am dealing with some of the fallout of my grievances. For those unfamiliar, Reagan’s PLRA requires that I exhaust administrative
Hi. I recently purchased a gaff and breast forms through some new process the prison is trying out. The items were very literally purchased from Amazon, I have the receipt
Candlelit Reflections: Volume 1 A collection of four essays: “Cut From a Different Cloth”, “Why Defunding Isn’t Enough”, “Theft”, and “The Golden Age of Mass Shootings” PDF For Printing Cut
As those who’ve read ‘Squatting as an…’ may be aware on June 8th I suffered a traumatic head injury due to an act of police brutality. While unarmed and complying,